
About Us

Lodestar Associates is a private limited consultancy firm established by vibrant professionals who have long years of experience in consultancy endeavors of various sectors. The firm is primarily established to undertake consultancy works in the areas of development; and includes, inter alia, livelihood development, social protection, gender, rural and urban development, education, health, environment, private sector development, and other socio-economic fields.

Founders of the company are closely working with University professionals and renowned research institutions which gives them the right edge in the realm of professionalism and scientific research. Moreover, members’ skill in effective project management, communication, stakeholder management and ethical research standards add a momentum to the existing capability and expertise of the firm.

Why You Choose Us

Scientific approach

Innovative approaches

Agile project management

Quality of Work


Expertise capability


Value for Money

Our Mission

To be the most preferred advisory consultants in our chosen markets.

Our Vision

Our vision is to deliver superior and high quality services to our clients by ensuring;
Trusted and objective relationship; Sustainable and measurable results; Relevant industry knowledge; Open and proactive communication; Superior & High Quality Services; and Deep functional expertise.

Our Team

  • Expert Name

    Founder & CEO

    The founder of Consulting WP, he has been the captain of this ship from the beginning and has sailed...

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  • Expert Name2

    Chief Finance Officer

    Being the CFO in the Financial Industry is a tough task, thankfully he was here to man the helm...

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  • Expert Name3

    VP Sales and Marketing

    She is an accomplished business developer. Her skills at creating relationships with clients are...

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